On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 11:43:33AM +0000, Ed Avis wrote:
> I'm writing a program (pmq) which tests the modules installed on the
> system.  I would like to make a test suite for this program containing
> a few dummy modules.  It's important that the names chosen for the
> dummy modules do not interfere with those already installed on the
> system.

Well from the search.cpan.org point of view, if the files containing these
modules are placed under the t/ directory, they will not be indexed requardless
of what they are called.


> Is there a namespace for pretend modules, modules which do not exist
> and should not be installed?  I was thinking of using names beginning
> with an underscore, it's fairly certain that [EMAIL PROTECTED] will not
> allocate such a namespace to any real modules.
> -- 

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