In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Phil Crow 

> I'm working a scheme similar to Enterprise Java Beans
> (EJB) for Perl.  This allows servers to maintain
> persistent objects for remote (or local) clients.
> There's an example of the API below.  Let me know what
> you think at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> If you like this idea I'd like to get it a namespace
> perhaps Net::Prim.  Please advise on the best name. 
> Prim stands for Perl Remote Invocation of Methods (a
> dislexic revision of Perl RMI).

we wouldn't put it in Net::*, but maybe (maybe) Netx::

i think this should go where the other RPCish sorts of
things go.

> Prim is an xml based tcp protocol which allows you to
> call Perl functions and methods inside a server Perl
> interpreter from a client Perl interpreter.

are you sure you're not reinventing the wheel?  

how does this differe from SOAP, XML-RPC, POE, and so on?
is it just the persistence part that is different?

could you hack the persistent bit into one of the other

brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins),
please send all messages back to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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