Hello brian,
  This module is a tool for importing and exporting   
data from a XML document into any SQL database. 

 So if I rename the module SQL::XMLtoSQL             
 you will approve it? I will be happy to name it
anything you might feel appropriate. I am sure that
the module will be of  great use to any one trying to
import or export data from xml documents.             

Chris Berning

--- _brian_d_foy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In article
> Authors Upload Server <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > The following module was proposed for inclusion in
> the Module List:
> >   modid:       XML::XMLtoSQL
> >     The module I propose for this name space
> processes xml documents
> >     into any sql database. This seems to be more
> related to the XML root
> >     than any other rootlevel.
> it seems more related to SQL::*
> does this module represent SQL statements as XML?
> i'm not sure i understand what this module should
> do, so it's
> hard to suggest another name.  can you give another
> explanation?
> -- 
> brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins),

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