I noticed this apparent attempt to respond to my PAUSE registration
request in my mailserver's logs:

2002-10-18 08:52:39 verify failed for SMTP recipient [EMAIL PROTECTED] from 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> H=dubravka.kbx.de (pause.perl.org) [] U=root
2002-10-18 08:52:44 verify failed for SMTP recipient [EMAIL PROTECTED] from 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> H=dubravka.kbx.de (pause.perl.org) [] U=root

Whatever that message was, it bounced.  There's no "orrest" here, just
me, "forrest".  I'm pretty sure my mailserver is sending out good
information because I got the auto-reply from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
without a problem (and bunches of other replies, too).

Maybe we can try this again?  Here's my request information:


I'd like to register for a PAUSE account.

My name is Forrest Cahoon.

My e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I have a website at http://www.abstractfactory.org/ (although
nothing's there yet).

My preferred user-ID on CPAN is FORREST.  If that's not available, I'd

I have a couple of VMS perl modules you can currently find at 
http://vmsbox.cjb.net/~fcahoon/, and perl hooks into the Ghostscript
API at http://www.wiredaemons.com/forrest/Ghostscript.html that I
would like to make available through CPAN.

Thanks for your consideration.

Forrest Cahoon

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