The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Blog::Simple
  DSLIP:       bupOp
  description: Create blog systems
  userid:      GILAD (James Robson)
  chapterid:   23 (Miscellaneous_Modules)

    Apache::Blog Net::Blogger


    Blog::Simple is a module aimed at creating simple blog
    applications. Unlike the Apache::Blog and Net::Blogger modules,
    which interface to existing systems (Apache and the Blogger XML-RPC
    API respectively), Blog::Simple can be used for development anywhere
    Perl is installed---a web server running CGI, on an IIS server
    running ISAPI, or even at the console, using just Perl.

    Blog::Simple uses a simple text file database similar to a docbase
    to track blog entries (I've dubbed it a 'blogbase'). Each time a
    blog is entered, the entry is added to the top of the file. An XML
    file is generated based on simple, essential tags, and stored in a
    uniquely named folder on the file system (the blogbase entry has a
    reference to the path.) By using the file system directly to store
    data, the module becomes highly portable and doesn't require that a
    special database system be installed (one that might prove 'too much
    tool for the job').

    Blog::Simple requires the XML::XSL module to perform blog
    transformations. This gives the developer a high level of output
    flexibility, as well as a standard way of addressing blog rendering.

    After emailing [EMAIL PROTECTED] and garnering namespace
    suggestions, Blog::Simple was given and this seemed to fit the logic
    of the module. I ruled out using something like CGI::Blog::Simple or
    WWW::Blog::Simple, since the module is not necessarily web oriented
    (although in most applications it would be). For instance, I could
    see someone using it to create a GUI-based personal diary system,
    one not intended to be shared.

    However, I am not entirely bent on having the namespace be
    'Blog::Simple'. It looks good, seems logical, and was what I came up
    with after going through the channels outlined on CPAN for namespace
    creation. Even after looking at the existing Perl namespaces, it
    still seemed like a good choice.

    So I leave it in your hands. I'm more interested in getting the
    module out there than pioneering a new namespace scheme.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.

    J. A. Robson

  enteredby:   GILAD (James Robson)
  enteredon:   Thu Oct 17 16:31:35 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Simple          bupOp Create blog systems                          GILAD

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