I would like a pause account.
*your name
James Freeman
*your email address
*your homepage if you have one
none at the moment use www.jmf2.com, as I own it and will populate it.
*your preferred user-ID on CPAN. It must be between 4 and 9 characters
long, all uppercase, letters only. One dash allowed.
*a short description of what you're planning to contribute
An implementation of 1 dimensional wolfram cellular automata followed my
several others.
Thank you for your help and warmest regards,
- PAUSE account Benjamin John Turner
- pause account Jason Johnson
- PAUSE Account Brian Knox
- PAUSE account Erich Douglass
- PAUSE account Phillip Pollard
- PAUSE Account P Prince
- PAUSE Account Pascal Fleury
- PAUSE account James Freeman
- PAUSE account kejoki