The DBI::* namespace is reserved for modules that form part of the DBI.
The DBIx::* namespace is for modules that extend the functionality of the DBI.

So DBIx::SimpleTools would be better, only "SimpleTools" isn't a
very meaningful module name.

There are many DBI related modules that seem to provide similar
functionality (not to mention that selectall_arrayref can return
data just as your "handiest feature" does). Perhaps you could discuss
yours on the dbi-users mailing list to see how they compare and get
a better feel for the unique features of yours.

The ARS functionality probably ought to be in a separate module.


On Wed, Oct 23, 2002 at 06:41:59PM +0200, Perl Authors Upload Server wrote:
> The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
>   modid:       DBI::SimpleTools
>   DSLIP:       bdpOp
>   description: Simplified object interface to DBI
>   userid:      AHICOX (Andrew Hicox)
>   chapterid:    7 (Database_Interfaces)
>   communities:
>   similar:
>     DBI DBIx
>   rationale:
>     This module sits atop DBI and offers a simplified object interface
>     which supports only Query and Insert. The handiest feature of this
>     interface is that it returns an array of hash references from the
>     Query routine. Each element in the array represents a record, each
>     key/value pair in the hash reference represents a field and value in
>     the record.
>     Also there is a routine which will parse Remedy (see ARS module)
>     diary entries as they are stored in the native database. This
>     alleviates the need for Remedy developers to use the ARS API to
>     retrieve diary entries from their Remedy servers.
>   enteredby:   AHICOX (Andrew Hicox)
>   enteredon:   Wed Oct 23 16:41:59 2002 GMT
> The resulting entry would be:
> DBI::
> ::SimpleTools     bdpOp Simplified object interface to DBI           AHICOX
> Thanks for registering,
> The Pause Team
> PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers:
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