
Please kindly excuse this unsolicited, which is a product of the extreme necessity we 
have found ourselves having not known your personality.

I am Abu, personal assistant to Dr. {Mrs.} Kema Chikwe Minister of Aviation under 
Chief Olusegun Obasanjo present civilian government in Nigeria.

 The national Assembly is currently investigating the president with a view to 
impeaching the president. If that happens, the entire federal executive is likely to 
be dissolved. In the light of that, I have been
directed by the honorable Minister to secretly scout for a reliable foreigner who will 
assist us to receive and safe guide this fund into his or her account the sum of $150, 
000, 000.00{one hundred and fifty
million USD} only. Kick back she received from foreigner contractors that executed 
contracts under her ministry.

The funds are currently deposited in a security trust and investment company in Europe 
for safe custody pending agreement with you as to terms and modalitiesfor 
co-operation. Should you be willing to assist us to receive and safe guide this fund, 
you can forward to me immediately without delay your private telephone, fax number for 
easy communication and details on how we should go about it and immediately I get all 
these information’s, all the relevant legal documents should be forwarded to you to 
enable you deal directly to the security trust and investment company in Europe where 
the money is presently deposited.
Please, your present address as well as your passport number is also needed to enable 
me to forward it to the company for change of ownership. Note
that time is of essence as the ministers is in a haste to secure this funds into a 
safe account before the president is impeached. Note, I will not contact another 
person until about 2 weeks after receipt of this letters by you. Reply via mail box 

Thanks for your co-operation.

 Yours fathfully

Abu Ehizojie

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