Dear Friend Tom Hayes,
First I must Solicit your strictest confidence in this transaction,this is by virtue of it’s nature as being utterly confidential and top secret as you were introduced to me in confidence through the Nigerian Chamber s of Commerce, foreign trade division . I am Dr. OSARIEMHE PIUS,the Foreign Liaison Officer ofthe board of trustee of RWA Agency ( Relief West Africa). We were empowered to administer a trust fund of well over five hundred million United States dollars ( US$500,000,000M) for the provision of relief materials to troubled areas in the West African Sub-region and her environs. My group recently agreed, unanimously to transfer twenty-five million,five hundred thousand United States dollars only ( US$25.5m)into a foreign based account for our personal use and benefits and I have therefore been mandated as a matter of trust by my colleagues on board to look for an overseas partner to whom we could transfer the sum of US$25.5mlegally subcontracting the entitlement to your company. This is based on the fact that our civil service code of conduct forbids us from owning foreign company or running private foreign account while in government service.The simple mode of the transaction will be justfor us to apply for there lease of the funds to you or to your company for welfare materials purportedly supplied. We shall arrange all paper work and get approval for the release of the funds with documentary evidence of the communities and people in Liberia,Sierra-Leone, Rwanda,Guinea-Bissau, Zaire and Nigeria, who have all benefited from the materials purportedly suppliedby You, early last year. We have all records of purchases and supplies.My group is very much ready to effecting the remittance of the fund into a well secured or corporate foreign account (individual or corporate) operated by a trust worthy person, as all logistics are already inplace and all modalities worked out for the smooth conclusion of thetransaction within seven to ten working days upon commencement on receiptof your company name, address, company’s details& activities & yourdirect confidential telephone and fax line forcorrespondence. This information will enable us make the necessary applications and lodge claims to the concerned authorities in favour of yourcompany and it is pertinent to state here that this transaction is entirely based on trust as the solar bank draft or certified chequedrawable will be made in your name and we wish to commence an importation business of agro-allied machineries in conjunction with you. Your assistance or partnership will certainly, be rewarded with a 25% share ratio of the total sum of ( US$25.5m). We shall have 70%, While 5% will be used to reimburse both parties for any expenses incurred in the course of consummating this deal. It is important to state here,that no risk of any sort is involved, now or in future since both parties will be protected by a legally signed agreement. Please, note that an invoice shall be raised to meet the cost of materials purportedly supplied by You to the tune of US$25.5m and forwarded to the office of the Chief Accountant of RWA Agency after the final approval has been given by me for payment.The materials are cloths of various kinds (children & Adults), rice, soya beans, milk,sugar, ort salt, drugs, blankets, footwears, boots, syringe and needles, epz vaccines, tarpuline tents,e.t.c. Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter via my E-mail address([EMAIL PROTECTED]),you can also get in touch with me through the above telephone number,thanks in anticipation of your understanding and co-operation.
Yours truly,
N.B. Bank Account Details not necessary as preferred mode of payment is by draft or cheque.
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