The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Business::OnlinePayment::WorldPay::Junior
  DSLIP:       RdpOg
  description: Module for WorldPay Junior Payment Service
  userid:      CLIFFORDJ (Jason Clifford)
  chapterid:   23 (Miscellaneous_Modules)
    newsgroups, mailing lists



    The module is alike to the many online payment processing modules
    already in existance under Business::OnlinePayment in that it
    provides a framework to manage the handling of the data to be used
    in the payment process.

    The module needs to be ::WorldPay::Junior rather than just
    ::WorldPay as it is only applicable to one of the available four
    WorldPay payment methods. While two of the WorldPay offered methods
    are irrelevant (one is for java and the other for COM) the other one
    could legitimately be handled via a perl module and it is very

    I have searched extensively and cannot find any instance of a perl
    module to manage WorldPay transactions hence this submission.

  enteredby:   CLIFFORDJ (Jason Clifford)
  enteredon:   Thu Sep 19 10:03:07 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Junior          RdpOg Module for WorldPay Junior Payment Service   CLIFFORDJ

Thanks for registering,
The Pause Team

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