In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Perl Authors Upload Server 

> The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

>   modid:       HTML::KTemplate

>     HTML::KTemplate allows to separate the design and the programming
>     of a website by allowing only variables and blocks to used in the
>     template files. 

how is that a good thing?

>     It also has got the following features I couldn't
>     find in any other modules of that kind:
>     - Support for multidimensional data structures.

Text::Template does that very nicely.

>     - The template syntax is very HTML-like and simple.
>     - Blocks can be created easily with an own block method.
>     - Perl code can be executed if a variable contains a code reference
>     (useful for benchmarks etc.)

can't other templaters do that?

brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins),

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