I'd like to register for a new PAUSE ID. Name: Walter Hjelmar e-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (rather than my
work ID I sent it from) Homepage: http://www.hjelmar.net Preferred User Id: walter
or whjelmar or hjelmar Intended contribution:
I'm in the process of trying to provide abstracted classes for the
CIM Schema written by the DTMF. As
a sysadmin and ESM consultant, I got tired of writing
documentation for heterogeneous networks, and look to perl
for an out. Later on I discovered CIM
and I'm in the process of coverting some of my
auto-documentation routines over to use it. I figured someone else might be as lazy
as I'm and might find it useful... **** Important Notice to Recipients **** It is important that you do not use e-mail to request, authorize or effect the purchase or sale of any security or commodity, to send fund transfer instructions, or to effect any other transactions. Any such request, orders, or instructions that you send will not be accepted and will not be processed by Morgan Stanley. **************************************** |