I would like to register these two modules: Name DSLIP Description Info ------------------ ----- ------------------------------------------- - ----- Hash::WithDefaults bdprp Tied hashes with defaults JENDA Config::IniHash bdprp Reading and writing INI files JENDA
Hash::WithDefaults This module contains several classes you can tie() a hash to. The hash then allows you to specify "default" hash(es) and then whenever a key is not found in the hash it's looked up in the defaults. The hashes may be either case sensitive or insensitive, or they may automaticaly uppercase or lowercase the keys when storing the data, but be case sensitive when searching. Config::IniHash This reads INI files and create a hash-of-hashes out of them or takes a hash-of-hashes and writes it as an INI file. It understands heredoc syntax in the INI files (if instructed to), interpolates system %variables% if asked to, creates case-insensitive hashes (using Hash::Case) or hashes supporting defaults (using Hash::WithDefaults) and allows you to specify a handler that will be called for each value read. It can also read the data either from a file/handle or a string. I know there are several similar modules already on CPAN. Both modules may be found at http://Jenda.Krynicky.cz/Beta at the moment. They will be moved to http://Jenda.Krynicky.cz/perl as soon as they are accepted. (If they are accepted.) Thanks, Jenda == [EMAIL PROTECTED] == http://Jenda.Krynicky.cz == Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live. -- Rick Osborne, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>