At 13:02 +0200 2002.07.17, Bart Lateur wrote:
>In MacPerl 5.6.1, I'm trying to use the standard module
>Mac::OSA::Simple. The simple line
>       use Mac::OSA::Simple;
>gives me a compilation error:
>       # Global symbol "$REVISION" requires explicit package name
>       File; Line 20
>       # BEGIN not safe after errors-- compilation aborted.
>Argh! Doesn't anybody test anything any more? Am I really the first one
>to notice this?

No, you're not.  I fixed it awhile ago, but have not yet released a new
version of MacPerl.  I too am surprised no one else has noticed it, or at
least, not mentioned it.

>Simply adding "$REVISION" on line 5 of the module, in the "use vars"
>statement, fixes it, but *this sucks*.

The good thing it is that it is an easy fix for anyone, yes.

>And Chris (Nandor), I understand you do a *lot* for MacPerl, so I can't
>actually blame you if something like this slips through. Still, IMO,
>some automatic test should have caught this.

Yes, you're right.  I should at least load each module.

Chris Nandor                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Open Source Development Network    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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