On måndag, juli 8, 2002, at 08:38 , Perl Authors Upload Server wrote:

> The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
>   modid:       GEB::Hyphen
>   DSLIP:       adpOp
>   description: "Godel, Escher, Bach" hyphen languages
>   userid:      DEREK (Derek Thomson)
>   chapterid:   11 (String_Lang_Text_Proc)
>   communities:
>     newsgroups
>   similar:
>   rationale:
>     This module allows the specification of hyphen languages as
>     described in the book "Godel, Escher, Bach" by Doug Hofstadter. Once
>     defined, sentences may be tested against the languages to determine
>     if they are valid.
>     I also propose the GEB root namespace as a namespace for all
>     "Godel, Escher, Bach" related modules. I intend to implement as many
>     of the illustrative examples that I can as I progress through the
>     book, and others may wish to do the same, or even explore related
>     ideas in interesting ways.
>     For example, one of my colleagues has already started on a
>     typogenetics module, which would be named GEB::Typogenetics.

I am a bit sceptical of a GEB toplevel, since the modules aren't really 
useful they
might go into Acme::GEB or Acme::GodelEscherBach, or if they are useful, 
about Math::GEB or Math::GodelEscherBach.


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