> Attn: Managing Director, > >I am writing to request for your assistance in a very important and >urgent business matter. > >This business involves $10.7 Million, which is in my custody and I >don't know how to move it out of my company. > >I am the financial controller of my company( INTRACO ENGINEERING & >CONSTRUCTION COMPANY NIG. LIMITED) owned by a German, Mr. Derek Hornsby. My >duties include buying of foreign exchange and transferring of the company's >monthly allocation $10.7 Million to the company's account overseas as >stipulated by Union Bank of Nigeria. > >Around August last year, my boss, the Managing Director (MD) and the >C.E.O went on vacation to the U.S.A and was one of the victims of the >trade centre attack which claimed his life.This foreign exchange has been >brought and approved for transfer by the Union Bank. Each time I try to >effect the transfer, the bank will need a letter of authority form >thecompany which is normal or next-of-kin to Mr. Derek Ho! rnsby, my boss. > >I don't want this money to still be in my custody till the end of my >company's year ending July this year. If you can assists me as the >next-of-kin to my boss, I would not mind whatever you choose to be the >percentages of sharing and I will give you the letter >of authority. > >You can contact me through my email address above. > >I expect your prompt response. > >Regards, > >Mr I KAMBO