The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       HTTP::Lite
  DSLIP:       RdpOp
  description: Light-weight HTTP GET/POST module
  userid:      RHOOPER (Roy Hooper)
  chapterid:   15 (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI)



    The rationale behind my module is that I required a module that
    could be parsed, loaded, and run slightly more efficiently than LWP,
    while also consuming generally less memory, and requiring only one
    source file to operate.

    The choice of HTTP::Lite is because it is a descriptive module name
    -- a lightweight implementation. Lite is chosen over Light because
    Lite is a common way of naming modules with fewer features.

    The rationale for registaring the module is that HTTP::Lite appears
    to have a bit of a userbase with over 175 distinct instances of
    HTTP::Lite's connecting to the test-data on my webserver
    since late February. As there are now numerous users of this module,
    who have used it instead of LWP because it is "Lightweight" and more
    appropriate for embedded uses. It also requires a single file for

  enteredby:   RHOOPER (Roy Hooper)
  enteredon:   Thu Jun 13 05:19:13 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Lite            RdpOp Light-weight HTTP GET/POST module            RHOOPER

Thanks for registering,
The Pause Team

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