The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
modid: Time::Piece::MySQL DSLIP: bdpOp description: Adds MySQL specific methods to Time::Piece userid: DROLSKY (Dave Rolsky) chapterid: 6 (Data_Type_Utilities) communities: with Time::Piece author, Matt Sergeant similar: rationale: This provides some simple MySQL-specific methods for Time::Piece objects. I discussed it with Matt Sergeant and he didn't have any qualms about me uploading this module. BTW, the module list still has Time::Object listed, but that namespace has been retired in favor of Time::Piece, by fiat of the pumpking. enteredby: DROLSKY (Dave Rolsky) enteredon: Tue Jun 11 20:12:33 2002 GMT The resulting entry would be: Time::Piece:: ::MySQL bdpOp Adds MySQL specific methods to Time::Piece DROLSKY Thanks for registering, The Pause Team PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: