The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Bio::SABio::NCBI
  DSLIP:       bdpOp
  description: Downloads and parse DNA data from NCBI site
  userid:      TSIRKIN (Tsirkin Evgeny)
  chapterid:   23 (Miscellaneous_Modules)

    bioperl prject contains simular modules ,this one is *not* connacted
    to this project in any way,except for some simular functionality
    .This module works also under Win32 ,it does not require any ather
    packeges,is much simplier for use and instalation.


    The Bio:: is the best for modules that works with DNA data ,don't
    you think :).This module works also under Win32 ,it does not require
    any ather packeges,is much simplier for use and instalation.(after
    it will be released) .It will *not* force user to learn complicated
    object relations and behavior ,as the bioperl project,in case he
    wants to do as simple things as- getting DNA data from the
    web,parsing it ,searching desirable chunk and (maybe in future)
    running standart biological algoritms on it.

  enteredby:   TSIRKIN (Tsirkin Evgeny)
  enteredon:   Mon Jun 10 17:55:39 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::NCBI            bdpOp Downloads and parse DNA data from NCBI site  TSIRKIN

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