The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       App::Info
  DSLIP:       adpOp
  description: Information about software packages
  userid:      DWHEELER (David Wheeler)
  chapterid:   12 (Opt_Arg_Param_Proc)



    App::Info is an abstract base class designed to provide a
    generalized interface for subclasses that provide metadata about
    software packages installed on a system. The idea is that these
    classes can be used in Perl application installers in order to
    determine whether software dependencies have been fulfilled, and to
    get necessary metadata about those software packages.

    App::Info seems a good namespace choice to me, as the goal of this
    module is to provide a uniform interface for providing, well,
    information about applications. It's also designed to grow, so that
    anyone can contribute subclasses in the App::Info namespace
    (preferably in a subcategory, e.g., App::Info::Lib or
    App::Info::RDBMS). And since there are many, many applications for
    which people might want data, the number of packages in the
    namespace could become extensive. Registering the namespace will
    help people to think about App::Info as addressing a particular
    problem space, and will discourage them from uploading unrelated
    stuff while, at the same time, encouraging them to contribute new
    subclasses to it.


  enteredby:   DWHEELER (David Wheeler)
  enteredon:   Sat Jun  8 21:00:44 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Info            adpOp Information about software packages          DWHEELER

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The Pause Team

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