Hi PAUSE Maintainers, In the very close future (next week), I'll have some modules to upload:
name : Peter Popovics email address : [EMAIL PROTECTED] homepage : http://www.technomat.hu preferred user-ID: OSTRICH a short description: *** Please, if possible help me out with finding the right, non confusing and non-conflicting namespaces for them as well... *** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OAI - Implements Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting version 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0 client (OAI::Harvester) and server side (OAI::Repository), together with some base classes, like OAI::Error, OAI::Request, OAI::Response... The namespace maybe... should be OAI::PMH? or OAI_PMH instead? Or? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- XML::Record - A simple aproach for record like XML Documents. Does not support mixed element types, therefore it's much more comfortable to use than XML::Dom, and much faster than XML::XPath. It is used by the OAI module. There is one XML::Records object, not at all the same aproach I did... Maybe a good idea would be to call this Record::XML, because some of the earlier versions of this object allowed to import/export data from/to GRS-1 and MARC as well. These things are widely used in the Digital library area. I would be very happy to find another name instead of "Record"... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Distributed Distributed::SOAP Distributed::PRPC A "funny package", provides something like MS DCOM for COM objects - in this case for perl objects and classes. I think it's easier to illustrate: # ------------------------------------------------------- # # This is going to call a PRPC server, to execute # # Test->new($name, other => [$a,$b,$c]); # my $t = new Distributed::Test ( PRPC => {Server => 'remote.host', Port => '9999', secret => 'password', compress => 1, }, $arg1, other => [$a,$b,$c], ); # As this is a class constructor, it's going to return a blessed # reference to a Test object, which, when it's returned to the # caller, is going to be reblessed "Distributed::Test2", and # a special hash or array element is inserted, # in order to hide the connection information. So $t is a # Distributed::Test now. Then, simply call it as it would be a # local object: $t->Hello; # This is going to transfer the object back, rebless it as Test, # call the method, return the results... # By default all values returned (as retval, or parameter) is # checked for blessed references: so if the procedure call ended # up in creating a objects server side, they are going to be returned # with this Distributed:: prefix, disregarding the class... # # The same with SOAP: my $t = new Distributed::Test ( SOAP => {uri_base => 'http://soap.server.com:80/', proxy => 'http://soap.server.com:80/soap', }, $name, other => [$a,$b,$c]); # ------------------------------------------------------- The Distributed class is only responsible for stealing the method calls, and do the preparations for serialization, deserialization, and can have multiple underlying communication driver, like SOAP, or PRPC (see later). Please, help me to find a name for this module as well! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRPC A Very simple RPC protocol, including PRPC::Client, PRPC::Server, an arbitrary Data::Serializer as serializer, and Net::Server or Apache at server side. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Combine A V2 of Netlab's combine system - a complex web harvesting solution with oo aproach now... The submission of this package is going to take a while... That's all for now, and thanks in advance: P.Peter