
I'd like to register as a CPAN developer.  Here is the info you seek:

Name:                    James Marshall
Email address:           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage, more or less:  http://www.jmarshall.com
Preferred user ID:       First choice= "JSM" ; Second choice= "JMARSHALL" ;

Expected contribution:  I have a module HTML::Defaultify, which lets the
user take any HTML page with form(s) in it and preset the form fields
according to default values given.  It allows cleaner separation of HTML
and program development than other tools that do similar things.  The
almost-ready-for-release .pm file, complete with POD, is at
http://www.jmarshall.com/tools/defaultify/ if you're curious.

Thanks!  Let me know if you need anything else.

  James Marshall      [EMAIL PROTECTED]       Berkeley, CA      @}-'-,--
"If love is out of fashion, then let us live unfashionably."-- Alice Walker

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