
This is really all my fault.   I just needed my
"." (root) patch fix that Mike applied to 0.19
(but is not in 0.12) at CPAN so the systems guys
here could trust it enough to install it on our
machines.  I did the upload straight off
over a month ago:

 --- original message ---

Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 01:03:27 +0200
Subject: Notification from PAUSE
From: "Perl Authors Upload Server" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Rob Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

BBB (Rob Brown) visited the PAUSE
and requested an upload into his/her directory.
The request used the following parameters

  HIDDENNAME                 [BBB]
  CAN_MULTIPART              [1]
  pause99_add_uri_httpupload []
  SUBMIT_pause99_add_uri_uri [ Upload this URL ]
  pause99_add_uri_sub        [pause99_add_uri_httpupload]


Sorry to cause the problems.  No wonder I've
been getting spammed with all these Net::DNS
issues from people.  I have not had much
involvement with Net::DNS, so you don't need
to worry about stepping on my toes.  I would
appreciate at least anonymous CVS access to
your Net-DNS repository so I may submit more
accurate patches to the latest developmental
source tree, but it isn't crucial.  To "resolve"
the matter, just upload your 0.20 tarball to
CPAN so it will bounce back to you.  But
please do so soon.  Though it is usually a
bit more work, I think it is best to release
often and have lots of versions as opposed to
changing very many things and releasing
less frequently.  It makes for easier bug
pinpointing for the users to report to the
developer, provides fewer code changes per
version change, allows users to test against
more current code base, and reduces multiple
reports of identical bugs.

Sorry again,

Rob Brown

On Tue, 14 May 2002, Chris Reinhardt wrote:

> Hello,
>     I'm the official maintainer of Net::DNS.  Mike Fuhr recently handed
> over the reins to me earlier this year, and I've been working towards a
> new major release (version 0.20).  It seams that while I have been working
> on this new version, Rob Brown has uploaded a copy of Mike Fuhr's old
> developement branch onto CPAN.
>     The last thing I would like to do is step on anyone's toes, Mr.
> Brown's especially.  However, I do feel that this is not only confusing to
> the users of Net::DNS (I have had one person email me to ask me if I am
> still the author, and another email me complaining of bugs in the devel
> version).  If at all possible,  I would like to move towards some sort of
> resolution in this matter.
> Chris R.

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