The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
modid: Crypt::OOEnigma DSLIP: bdpOp description: OO Enigma machine: create your own Enigmas userid: SJBAKER (Steve Baker) chapterid: 14 (Security_and_Encryption) communities: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and with the author of Crypt::Enigma similar: Crypt::Enigma rationale: A flexible, object-oriented interface to a WWII Enigma machine for the creation and exploration of the user's own Enigmas. It provides some sample Enigmas. The apparently similar module Crypt::Enigma is aimed at providing a historically-accurate Enigma rather than providing the facility to create and explore your own, which may or may not use historically-accurate ciphers. Crypt::OOEnigma has been briefly discussed with the author of Crypt::Enigma. This module was created in the process of reading and understanding the related chapters of Korner's "The Pleasures of Counting". It is hoped that other students of the theory of the Enigma will find useful the opportunity to explore various Enigmas and their components. enteredby: SJBAKER (Steve Baker) enteredon: Tue Apr 30 13:34:10 2002 GMT The resulting entry would be: Crypt:: ::OOEnigma bdpOp OO Enigma machine: create your own Enigmas SJBAKER Thanks for registering, The Pause Team PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: