The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       CGI::Simple
  DSLIP:       RdpOp
  description: CGI::Simple - Drop in replacement for
  userid:      JFREEMAN (Dr. James Freeman)
  chapterid:   15 (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI)

  similar: et al

  rationale: is the Perl standard for CGI parameter parsing. A number of
    criticisms are regularly aired about this module ranging from its
    large size, 'eclectic' internal structure and arbitrary inclusion of
    HTML generation which is not used or favoured by a significant
    percentage of users.

    Its strengths include an excellent interface, extensive
    documentation and its extended real world testing.

    Even the author suggests that this module has become monolithic and
    convoluted. So - time for a refactoring...

    CGI::Simple provides a relatively lightweight drop in replacement
    for It is about 1/3 the total size with less than half the
    default code load. It loads and runs around twice as fast as
    It shares an identical OO interface to for parameter parsing,
    file upload, cookie handling and header generation. It does not
    provide any methods to generate HTML It provides some new methods
    and more complete support for cgi-lib It provides improved error
    handling, especially for file uploads The module is strict and
    warnings compliant It uses Selfloader to load rarely used methods on
    demand Main module is entirely object oriented. A complete
    functional interface is available by using the CGI::Simple::Standard
    wrapper module. An extensive test suite is included (around 1000
    tests). methods have changed somewhat across the versions.
    Concordance testing appears perfect against 2.78.

  enteredby:   JFREEMAN (Dr. James Freeman)
  enteredon:   Fri Apr 12 01:17:22 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Simple          RdpOp CGI::Simple - Drop in replacement for JFREEMAN

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