After much teeth gnashing while using the plethora of disjointed Veritas
provided command line utilities to manipulate and inspect a given NetBackup
environment I decided to write a set of modules to allow me to think simply
in the basic terms Veritas uses when describing Netbackup:
        Class, Schedule
        Media, Volume Pool
        Storage Unit, Robot, Drive
Building on many of the tips and tricks of others I have completed a fairly
solid first cut at such a set of modules and have placed them in the NBU
name space.  So far most of the methods focus on inspection rather than
manipulation and I suspect that as I add the manipulation code, in itself
fairly trivial by now, I will have to make some method name changes to
distinguish between the initial values of various object attributes vs the
methods that actually change these values in the live environment.

Based on this description would you suggest I place the current distribution
of these modules onto cpan or do you think this scope is too narrow and/or
its maturity not solid enough?

Please advise,

PS Any one interested in a preview of these modules, let me know, and I will
gladly e-mail the current distribution.

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