Dear IT Manager, Have you ever thought of redesigning your website or creating an on-line database, in short, anything that has to do with software development, this offer is right for you. Our highly skilled off-shore programmers are capable and ready to develop any of your e-commerce software dreams and needs.
We develop for ALL WINDOWS AND UNIX PLATFORMS Auctions, Hosting Solutions, Shopping Carts, databases, networks, plus Perl, PHP, C++, ASP, Cold Fusion, Java, Wap, XML, MS Access, SQL, etc. >From business analysis and consulting to web design, from coding to testing we provide a full cycle of IT services. Typical rates are 20-25 USD per hour. For more complete information about the company and services provided please visit I will be glad to answer any of your questions ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). Feel free to contact us any time and all the estimates will be done for you FREE of charge. Thanks! Paul PS. It's one time message. You are not on a list.