your name: Peter Bi your email address: Greetingland, LLC your homepage if you have one: your preferred user-ID on CPAN: peterbi
a short description of what you're planning to contribute Apache::AccessCookie is a ticket-based Apache Access Control handler. The handler opens or blocks the access by checking the cookie ticket issued by a ticket master machine. It is a replacement of the Basic Authentication. Features in this Access handler include: 1) it checks if the browser accepts cookies at the first place 2) it is a ticket system: a group of machines can be authenticated by the same ticket providing they are under the same top domain name. 3) it is more secure than the Basic Authentication since web visitor's password will only be transfered once onto the ticket master machine. 4) if authenticated against a database, the ticket system is usually fast because the verification procedure does not need database connection. 5) blocking: if too many failed logins are detected from an IP address, the ticket master machine can deny further trials from the address.