The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       XML::Comma
  DSLIP:       RmpOg
  description: Toolkit for managing large "doc" collections
  userid:      KWINDLA (Kwindla Hultman Kramer)
  chapterid:   11 (String_Lang_Text_Proc)
    [EMAIL PROTECTED], perlmonks

    SPOPS Alzabo XML::Parser XML::Simple Axkit Bricolage


    XML::Comma provides abstractions for manipulating collections of
    structured documents, and generally is configured to use XML as its
    normative storage format. Several large websites
    (, use XML::Comma as a
    back-end platform, managing information such as user profiles,
    article and photo archives, mailing list data and threaded
    discussion posts.

    XML::Comma is GPL'ed, and we'd like to make it available on CPAN.
    We chose the XML::Comma name based on the "concrete category +
    abstract emotive name" pattern, somewhat influenced by HTML::Mason
    (which Comma was originally written to sit "under.")

    Comma functionality overlaps with that of many other modules. Comma
    is, in part, a framework for treating perl objects as persistent,
    searchable, indexable things, so we're fellow travelers with
    object-persistence modules such as SPOPS and Alzabo (and watch their
    development with great interest). Because XML manipulation is so
    important to Comma, some of the other XML-family modules are
    frequently used in conjunction with the platform. Comma comes with
    two parsers of its own (one in pure perl, one in Inline'd C), and
    can also be configured to use XML::Parser. Finally, Comma is very
    often used as an "Application Server" in a web development context.
    Other app server and content management systems -- such as Axkit and
    Bricolage -- are different takes on solving some of the same

    The complete XML::Comma distribution totals roughly 10,000 lines of
    code, mostly Perl with a few optional Inline::C extensions.

    This is the third time I've submitted this request for the
    XML::Comma namespace (first in late January, then again in late
    February). I did not hear back either of the previous times. I
    apologize for the re-submission -- please let me know if I'm going
    about this the wrong way.

    Documentation (and download) of XML::Comma is available from


  enteredby:   KWINDLA (Kwindla Hultman Kramer)
  enteredon:   Wed Apr  3 20:15:37 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Comma           RmpOg Toolkit for managing large "doc" collections KWINDLA

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