Hi, lately I was trying to overtake maintenance for Mail::Folder from Kevin Johnson as William suggested in this list. However, Kevin so far did not respond to any of my mails that I sent within the last five weeks. Question now is what to do. I am sure that anyone seeking support for his module will encounter the same fate which makes Mail::Folder plain unmaintained. The fact that the Perl community did not hear anything from Kevin for the last four years also points to that.
I know it is probably a little crucial to just pass maintenance over to me without the original author knowing about it. I'd like to know what the PAUSE-guys think about this matter and whether I should perhaps keep trying to contact the author (but then, how long?). Regards, Tassilo -- $_=q!",}])(tsuJ[{@"tnirp}3..0}_$;//::niam/s~=)]3[))_$-3(rellac(=_$({ pam{rekcahbus;})(rekcah{lrePbus;})(lreP{rehtonabus;})(rehtona{tsuJbus!; $_=reverse;s/sub/(reverse"bus").chr(32)/xge;tr~\n~~d;eval;