I'd like to propose a new entry in the modulelist: modid: Win32::ExchDistList
DSLIP: adpfp description: MS Exchange Distribution List Maintenance userid: KEVINRICE (Kevin J. Rice) chapterid: 22 Microsoft Windows Modules similar: No similar modules. Win32::AdminMisc does NT account maintenance. My 'Win32::ExchDistList' will do MS Exchange Distribution list maintenance, a different thing entirely. rationale: There are plenty of Visual Basic scripts available at the Microsoft Site to do things with Exchange Distribution Lists. Many are quite confusing. Almost no _Perl_ code exists to do creation, deletion, etc. of MS Exchange Distribution lists. I've recently had to confront creating 1500 distribution lists BY HAND for a medium-to-large MS Exchange installation (conversion). This could have been automated, and the frustration level prompted me to solve this problem. I can't be the only person dealing with this issue, so the module will hopefully be widely useful / valuable. Note, a major impediment to translating MS VB to Perl is the undocumented nature of MS Exchange OLE transactions. I've figured out how to do most of these (and have an extensive test program to exercise this module). Functions included in this module are: is_valid_dist_list, is_dist_list_member, create_dist_list, delete_dist_list, get_dist_list_members, set_dist_list_members, add_dist_list_users, remove_dist_list_users, print_proto (prints all module function prototypes). Note: This is not an OO module. I'll convert it to be such as a subsequent module revision. Other Module names considered were: ExchDLAdmin, AdminExchDL, AdminDistList. Since distribution lists exist on other mail servers, including 'Exch' in the name seems proper. 'ExchDistList' is a good shortening of MSExchangeDistributionList, I think. I'm a little worried about how to go about testing the module at other installations, but I have a good generic test program to run, and someone on the Perl NT Admins discussion list will be able to provide another testing environment for me. This is my first module to submit to CPAN. Please be frank if you have suggestions. Cordially, -- Kevin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- Kevin J. Rice Senior Software Engineer / Buffalo Grove IL Email: RiceKevin1 at no spam justanyone dot com Homepage: http://www.JustAnyone.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----