
I would like to contribute 'logo.pl' to the CPAN scripts. It is a single 
large script which implements logo turtle graphics, with many additional 
facilities, using Perl and Tk.

I've tested the program on a Win/ME machine, a Linux/386 machine and a Linux 
S/390 machine and except for minor changes on the S/390 it runs fine on all 

The script includes a user function editor with the ability to save and load 
a file of functions. It also has simple logic (if/else) a for loop, a repeat 
loop and simple animation capabilities.

The details needed for PAUSE are as follows:-

your name
        Derek Pope
your email address
your homepage if you have one
your preferred user-ID on CPAN
a short description of what you're planning to contribute
See above
>From Mandrake Linux 8.1
using KMail 1.3.1

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