The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
modid: Term::Screen::Wizard DSLIP: bdpOp description: A Wizard using Term::Screen(::ReadLine) userid: OESTERHOL (Hans Dijkema) chapterid: 8 (User_Interfaces) communities: - similar: - rationale: This module provides a Wizard interface (we all know what that is?), to input a number of fields. It uses the validating Term::Screen::ReadLine function and handles a sequence of screens with fields, Help functionality, predefined keys, etc. enteredby: OESTERHOL (Hans Dijkema) enteredon: Mon Mar 25 09:08:40 2002 GMT The resulting entry would be: Term::Screen:: ::Wizard bdpOp A Wizard using Term::Screen(::ReadLine) OESTERHOL Thanks for registering, The Pause Team PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: