Hi, Modules Mail::RFC822::Address and RFC::RFC822::Address seems to have taken the namespace which is probably better for a address parser and not just a validator. I was hoping that one of these would provide an interface to represent the RFC822 addresses (split into host, user etc). For example, when the To/Cc/Bcc line is fed to it, it creates a data structure with list of addresses in it, probably each address being of type ::RFC822::Address which can be traversed later.
Can this new module Mail::RFC822::Address (which was submitted on March 15, 2002) http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/mailing-lists/modules/2002-03/msg00224.html be named ::AddressValidate or CheckAddress or something like that? so that it leaves the namespace open for something that can represent the parsed addresses. My apologies if this was the wrong list for this mail -- Hari Bhaskaran