On 7 Mar 2002, William R Ward wrote:

> >     I would like to use the Blogger namespace since both the service[1]
> >     and the API[2] that the package[3] "speaks" to are named "Blogger".
> >
> >     [1] http://www.blogger.com [2] http://plant.blogger.com/api [3]
> >     http://www.aaronland.net/src/perl/blogger
> It is generally frowned upon to create new top-level namespaces
> without a compelling reason.  How about Net::Blogger?
> --Bill.

Ah, yes. I hadn't thought one all the way through. I had been tossing
around ideas like Blog::Blogger (remembering a conversation about
consolidating the various IM modules.)

Net::Blogger is fine by me.

I am new here so I'm still not sure how things work. Does one just sort of
wait for a consensus of does the namespace actually get blessed (no pun,
intended) by one or more persons?

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