Hi everyone,

I already sent this message as a posting to clpm.modules but thought
here might also be the right place to ask:

I am currently writing on a little module implementing a cached
autoloading of methods as described by Mark Jason Dominus in


Short example:

A little class:

    package Test;
    use base qw(Autoloader::Cache);
    use Autoloader::Cache 
        method1 => q{ 
                    sub { 
                        my ($self, $arg) = @_;
                        $self->{arg} = $arg;
        method2 => q{
                    sub {
                        return shift->{arg};
    sub new { bless { }, shift }
Program instantiating this class:

    package main;
    use Test;

    my $obj = new Test;
    # dynamically created via Autoloader::Cache::AUTOLOAD
    # method is compiled and diddled into the caller's namespace
    print $obj->method2;

    # second call to a method already previously called:
    # quicker since no longer the need for the autoloader
    print $obj->method2;

The above also works with an arbitrary number of classes inheriting from
this module, methods and classes aren't mixed up due to a mapping
between methods and classes inside Autoloader::Cache.

Now the question for the namespace: As it can be seen, I have named it
Autoloader::Cache as for yet. Is this appropriate? My main concern is
whether I can just put a module under the top-level namespace of
Autoloader since there is actually only one module of that name so I am
not even sure whether that's a valid top-level namespace.


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