On 16 Feb 02, at 21:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Sat, 16 Feb 2002, Philip Newton wrote:
> > is the language code for (all of) Chinese.
> I think not.

Source, please?

> ZH is the ISO code of Mainland China.

I think you are confusing country codes (ISO 3166) with languages codes 
(ISO 639).

The country code for "China" is CN or CHN or 156; the country code for 
"Taiwan, Province of China" [sic] is TW or TWN or 158. See, for 
example, http://www-old.ics.uci.edu/pub/ietf/http/related/iso3166.txt 
or http://userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_3166.html or 
http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/codlstp1/en_listp1.html .

The language code for "Chinese" is zh or chi/zho. See, for example, 
http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/IG/ert/iso639.htm or
http://www.oasis-open.org/cover/iso639a.html or 
http://userpage.chemie.fu-berlin.de/diverse/doc/ISO_639.html .

"Chinese as spoken in Mainland China" (if that has a meaning) would be 
zh-CN; "Chinese as spoken in Taiwan" would be zh-TW. This is similar to 
"German as spoken in Austria" which would be de-AT.

> And they use simplified Chinese which is not encoded in Big5.

But the spoken language is the same, isn't it? It's "ZH", in both 

> But I don't think Mdn is universal enough, either, because it doesn't
> include Cantonese.

Good point :)

> Can you give me some more suggestions?

>From my understanding, I would use Lingua::ZH::* if you are dealing 
with Chinese -- and as far as I know, Big5 encoding is only used for 
languages and dialects which are collectively considered as "Chinese".

Otherwise, possibly something under Text::* or String::*? Not so sure 
there, however.

I would also recommend asking the [EMAIL PROTECTED] folks who also know 
a bit about precedent and which modules ended up in which namespace.

Philip Newton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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