
I requested a PAUSE id on January 15th. Since I haven't heard back
yet, I thought I'd give a "gentle poke," as per the instructions. If
I'm being overly impatient, please forgive me.

Here is my request to be registered as a PAUSE developer:

 name:         Kwindla Hultman Kramer
 email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 homepage:     http://allafrica.com/staff/kwindla/
 preferred-id: KWINDLA (or KWIN)
 description:  <<END;
 I am one of the developers of a GPL'ed application toolkit called
 XML::Comma. XML::Comma provides abstractions for manipulating
 collections of structured documents, and generally is configured to
 use XML as its normative format for information storage. Several large
 websites use XML::Comma as a back-end platform, and we've finally
 gotten good documentation written. We're nearing a 1.0 release, and
 I'd like to make XML::Comma available via CPAN.
 We chose the XML::Comma name based on the "concrete category +
 abstract emotive name" pattern, somewhat influenced by HTML::Mason
 (which Comma was written to sit "under.")
 Thank you very much,

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