On Thu, 24 Jan 2002 08:37:54 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Philip
Newton) wrote:

> > > > Lingua::Zompist::Kebreni (v0.41 uploaded to PAUSE 2001-09-23)
> > > > Lingua::Zompist::Verdurian (v0.01 uploaded to PAUSE 2001-10-27)
> > > > Lingua::Zompist::Cadhinor (v0.01 uploaded to PAUSE 2001-10-28)
> > > > Lingua::Zompist (namespace registration request)

I'm open to comments on these names, if that will help things get
approved. There's a short discussion on why I chose that prefix in the
messages referenced by the URLs (in the message that this is a reply

Briefly, I chose Lingua:: because the modules deal with languages
(albeit constructed languages and not "natural" ones), and "Zompist"
based on email communication with Mark Rosenfelder, who created the
languages (his website, which describes the languages, among other
things, is http://www.zompist.com/ ).

I felt it would be better if the modules for Kebreni, Verdurian,
Cadhinor, and Cuezi (not yet released) were grouped together rather than
being directly under Lingua.

> > > > Lingua::SoundChange (v0.04 uploaded to PAUSE 2001-10-14)

This one I wrote to deal with sound changes in languages, which is why I
put it under Lingua. In theory, it can be used for arbitrary text
manipulation -- after all, it's basically a wrapper for "apply a set of
s///ubstitutions in certain environments", so could conceivably also go
under String oder Text.


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