On Mon, 14 Jan 2002, John Gruber wrote:

> Chris Nandor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 1/14/02 at 9:27a:
> > Yes, I agree it is confusing.  I am not crazy about MacOSX,
> > but can think of nothing better, so I am not objecting. 
> I have a feeling that "MacOSX" is not future-proofed.
That's true, but it might work in the same way that "Win32" does. There,
of course, is no Windows 32 product, but rather a family of them that can
be described as Win32. Mac OS X is clearly a big break with what preceded
it, and presumably Mac OS XI (or whatever it will be) will evolve from
what we have now, rather than be another fundamental break. For lack of a
better generic name for this new family of Mac systems, MacOSX might have
to do -- though I'd be interested in better suggestions. Aqua? Darwin?

Chris Devers                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Apache / mod_perl / http://homepage.mac.com/chdevers/resume/

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