The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Carp::Ensure
  DSLIP:       adpfg
  description: Ensure a value is of the expected type
  userid:      SMERTEN (Stefan Merten)
  chapterid:    3 (Development_Support)



    I have been inspired by `Carp::Assert', looked for a similar notion
    and came up with `ensure'. So I think `Carp::Ensure' would be a nice

    I guess ohers had the same problem as me: Are the values in my
    program really of the type I'm expecting them to be? However, at
    least to my knowledge there is no decent solution to this very
    common problem. Well, there is `Usage' and I used it some years ago.
    But it's a pain to use :-( . Ahm, there is a module called
    `Carp::CheckArgs' in the module list, but it is not available as it

    Anyway, after thinking a bit about a nice grammar for describing
    types, I couldn't resist writing the module. Meanwhile it is rather

    Because this is such a common problem, I think it will be of value
    for others, too.

  enteredby:   SMERTEN (Stefan Merten)
  enteredon:   Tue Jan  8 23:42:45 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Ensure          adpfg Ensure a value is of the expected type       SMERTEN

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