• your name:                                            Steve Santy
  • your email address:                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  • your homepage if you have one             http://icdweb.cc.purdue.edu/~ssanty/
  • your preferred user-ID on CPAN:        SSANTY
  • a short description of what you're planning to contribute:           

I am currently working on a module to implement the "Bootstrap" method for estimation of a population parameter. It is a computer intensive resampling method from inferential statistics that has been found to be very useful in the sciences and engineering. The best part about this method is that requires no assumptions about the underlying population distribution. It does not have to be Gaussian (normal)!

Interested parties can read about resampling techniques in an online textbook at: http://www.resample.com/content/text/index.shtml


Thanks for your consideration.

-Steve Santy


Interim Associate Vice President for IT Security and Policy

Office of the Vice President for Information Technology

Purdue University



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