Disclaimer: I am not a PAUSE admin.

I don't think Syndication:: is a good place for this.  This is a text
processing module, from my reading of your description, not something
to manage the business processes of paying for and distributing
content.  Also, it's awfully long.  Why not just Text::NITF?


[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Brendan Quinn) writes:
> Syndication::NITF, a Perl module supporting the NITF news article format 
> was released to CPAN on 19 December 2001. It should be available from 
> your local mirror via
> http://cpan.perl.org/authors/id/B/BQ/BQUINN/
> This is version 0.02, the first public release.
> Here is an excerpt from the README:
>  >>>>
> Syndication::NITF -- a NITF v3.0 library for Perl
> Syndication::NITF is an object-oriented Perl interface to NITF
> documents, allowing you to manage (and one day create) NITF documents
> without any specialised NITF or XML knowledge.
> NITF is a standard format for the markup of textual news content (eg
> newspaper and magazine articles), ratified by the International Press
> Telecommunications Council (http://www.iptc.org).
> This module supports the version 3.0 DTD of NITF. It makes no attempt to
> support eariler versions of the DTD.
> You can find out more about NITF at http://www.nitf.org/ or
> http://www.iptc.org/
> The latest version is 0.02, released 19 December 2001.
> Download: http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/B/BQ/BQUINN/
> What's New in 0.02:
>   * Example Parser
>     Simple example parser added that outputs information about an NITF
>     file, handling most types of tag.
>   See the Changes file for previous releases.
> <<<<
> At the moment it's fairly basic, and doesn't allow you to create NITF 
> files. Other plans for the future include better support of IPTC subject 
> codes, integration with my Syndication::NewsML module, and automatic 
> handling of updates, corrections, embargoes etc.
> Hope this helps someone out there.
> Brendan.
> -- 
> Brendan Quinn                                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Clueful Consulting Pty Ltd                       Phone +61 4 0076 0077
> GPO Box 2747EE                          within Australia: 0400 760 077
> Melbourne, Australia                http://www.clueful.com.au/brendan/

William R Ward            [EMAIL PROTECTED]          http://www.wards.net/~bill/
     If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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