The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       HTML::TableParser
  DSLIP:       RdpOg
  description: Extract data from an HTML table
  userid:      DJERIUS (Diab Jerius)
  chapterid:   15 (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI)



    HTML::TableParser provides a callback interface to the extraction
    of data from HTML tables. It is similar to the HTML::Parser module
    in that it is event driven - it calls a user specified function or
    module when at the start and end of a table, and when header & rows
    appear. Hence the name TableParser). It improves upon HTML::Parser
    by extracting headers when available, and neatly packaging the
    (cleaned) data. It also handles spanned rows and columns
    appropriately. It allows selection of tables based upon table

    It differs from HTML::TableExtract in that it presents the data
    sequentially while scanning the HTML document. TableExtract presents
    the data as a matrix after parsing the entire table.

  enteredby:   DJERIUS (Diab Jerius)
  enteredon:   Thu Dec 13 00:41:51 2001 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::TableParser     RdpOg Extract data from an HTML table              DJERIUS

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