The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
modid: Astro::DSS DSLIP: adpOg description: Interface to the Deep Sky Survey at ESO-ECF userid: AALLAN (Alasdair Allan) chapterid: 23 (Miscellaneous_Modules) communities: similar: rationale: The module is an object orientated interface to the both the first and second Digital Sky Surveys at the ESO-ECF online archive. While the first sky survey is first survey is 100% complete, the second survey covers 98% of the sky in Red, 45% of the sky in Blue and 27% of the sky in the Infra-red. While other, currently undistributed, interfaces to the sky survey are in existance there isn't one generally available. enteredby: AALLAN (Alasdair Allan) enteredon: Tue Dec 11 22:29:34 2001 GMT The resulting entry would be: Astro:: ::DSS adpOg Interface to the Deep Sky Survey at ESO-ECF AALLAN Thanks for registering, The Pause Team PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: