Hello, As I stated in another post to this forum, I would like to submit an RFC for OpenTMS.
Exerpt from Readme file below: NAME OpenTMS - Open Tournament Management System DESCRIPTION OpenTMS is a web based mod_perl application to deal with the management of tournaments, especially game tournaments/ladders/leagues. It is made up of a set of API modules, in the OpenTMS:: namespace (together with OpenTMS.pm), and scripts made to run under Apache::Registry. I have established a sourceforge page at http://sourceforge.net/projects/opentms/ . The code hasn't been imported yet, as some issues remain before I can publish it. OpenTMS has been under development by yours truly for a long time now, for Gamers Unite, which is supposed to be a tournament/ladder/league site for gaming. I finally got the other members of the team to agree on open sourcing it, so I am now going through a phase to make it possible to use for everyone. Questions: Is the namespace for the application ok? I was wondering about using a top-level namespace like this, but as it should only apply to this specific application, I was hoping it might not be a problem. I use the namespace for OpenTMS.pm, the main module, and then several others in OpenTMS::* Should an application be released to the CPAN? I guess that this usually isn't the case, but for example, I see that Slashcode is part of CPAN, and OpenTMS falls into about the same category. If so, I guess I would need a PAUSE ID, PEREINAR would be good. I guess that's all. Thanks for your time, -- Per Einar Ellefsen [EMAIL PROTECTED]