The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       TSM
  DSLIP:       bdpOp
  description: Interface to IBMs Tivoli Storage Manager
  userid:      SWORDSMAN (Joerg Nouvertne)
  chapterid:   24 (Commercial_Software_Interfaces)
    ADSM mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]



    This module provides an programming interface to the Tivoli Storage
    Manager server including basic functionality, i.e. password
    handling, SQL select. Based on this functionality, further nested
    modules might be published with more specialized funtionality. The
    above mentioned mailing list (ADSM is the old name for TSM) agreed
    on the rootlevel name and a lot of administrators are using the
    module already.

  enteredby:   SWORDSMAN (Joerg Nouvertne)
  enteredon:   Sun Dec  9 22:39:20 2001 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

TSM               bdpOp Interface to IBMs Tivoli Storage Manager     SWORDSMAN

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The Pause Team

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