Three weeks ago, I filed a request for a namespace. There's no reply yet. OK. 
People say, the reply times of [EMAIL PROTECTED] are lengthy, and I understand 
what voluntary contribution means. However, in my case, waiting three month 
for the namespace and to upload the stuff would be real bad:

My MRML:: modules would be part of a demo at a conference. This conference is 
in end-january (http://www.spie.org/Conferences/Calls/02/pw/confs/ei19.html).

Would it be possible that I upload my MRML:: stuff in one week in a 
*preliminary* fashion? I would perfectly accept if one of the Masters of CPAN 
decides that the MRML namespace should be rather SomethingElse::MRML. In this 
case I would free the namespace ASAP and occupy the new one. Just let me test 
a bit in december, and then show in january how things work in principle with

perl -MCPAN -e shell install MRML::ExampleServer

and the rest happening automatically. We are making an image retrieval 
benchmark, enabling MatLab-loving, wavelet-grokking imaging scientists to 
compare their cutting edges with large and small companies working on the 
same field. This will be cool, but it will be cool only if we can propose 
easy-to-use, easy-to-install solutions. We would like to demonstrate such a 
solution, based on Perl and CPAN.


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