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My name:  Jeremy Kahn
No homepage
Preferred userid: JGK
  whoops, I see that 4-9 characters are required. 
  Hmm... okay, KAHN then.

I would like to contribute along the following lines:

short term - near future:
* Speech::Recognizer::ScLite
    an OOP structure around the NIST toolkit for 
    scoring and evaluating speech recognition
    systems. I am developing this code right now, and 
    I expect to be able to share the docs on 
    c.l.p.modules in the next week or two, soliciting

longer term - contributions to Lingua::*, both through
improvements of existing modules and contributions of
my own.  Possible project:

* Lingua::SPE
  parses sound-change rules a la Chomsky & 
  Halle's "Sound Pattern of English" and converts them

  into Perl operations.

Thanks for the opportunity to contribute.


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