I would like to register to become a new PAUSE developer. My name: Jeremy Kahn Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] No homepage Preferred userid: JGK whoops, I see that 4-9 characters are required. Hmm... okay, KAHN then.
I would like to contribute along the following lines: short term - near future: * Speech::Recognizer::ScLite an OOP structure around the NIST toolkit for scoring and evaluating speech recognition systems. I am developing this code right now, and I expect to be able to share the docs on c.l.p.modules in the next week or two, soliciting feedback. longer term - contributions to Lingua::*, both through improvements of existing modules and contributions of my own. Possible project: * Lingua::SPE parses sound-change rules a la Chomsky & Halle's "Sound Pattern of English" and converts them into Perl operations. Thanks for the opportunity to contribute. --Jeremy __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Buy the perfect holiday gifts at Yahoo! Shopping. http://shopping.yahoo.com