In perl.modules, you wrote:
>The next version of the Module List will list the following module:
>  modid:       HTML::ParseBrowser
>  DSLIP:       bdpOp
>  description: OO User Agent string parser
>  userid:      DODGER (Seán Cannon)
>  chapterid:   15 (World_Wide_Web_HTML_HTTP_CGI)
>  enteredby:   ANDK (Andreas J. König)
>  enteredon:   Sat Oct 13 08:30:35 2001 GMT
>The resulting entry will be:
>::ParseBrowser    bdpOp OO User Agent string parser                  DODGER

Shirley this should be under HTTP:: or something, not HTML?

Andreas, is the backlog being QA'd as you go through it, or is stuff
just being added indiscriminately?

(yet another reason I'd like a request tracker in place ... we could see
any correspondence (or lack thereof) related to a particular request,
all in one place.)


Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
"Democracy has detected that you're an anarchist.  You must reboot
your society to complete this operation." -- Malcolm Ray, in asr

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